John Witcombe Statements
Each statement below is supported by details and documentation in the PDF document. Select "View Statement PDF" to open and read details for each statement.
- The King of Verse 36 and the Papacy
Does the king of Daniel 11:36 represent the civil partner of the church/state union, the power that was responsible for carrying out the persecution of God’s people brought to view in verses 33-35 or does it represent the church partner of this church/state union? I will demonstrate that the king represents the state that is being controlled by the church. And it was the true character of the apostate church that was revealed through the actions of the state even up through the French Revelation.
View Statement #1 PDF - Spirit of Prophecy on Daniel 11:40-45
Ellen White’s statement that Daniel 11 “has nearly reached its complete fulfillment” implies that there is only one verse left to be fulfilled. This, in turn, implies support for the Eastern Question.
View Statement #2 PDF - Three Statements on the Eastern Question
Ellen White’s statements on the Eastern Question imply support for this view.
View Statement #3 PDF - Unity on Daniel 11 is Necessary
God desires for His church to publicly speak with one voice on the major prophecies of the Bible including Daniel 11:45 which is a prophecy that is directly connected with the close of probation.
View Statement #4 PDF - Daniel 11:45 Hijacked by Satan
Satan is preparing the world for his personation of Christ. He knows the correct interpretation of Daniel 11:45 and has taken that interpretation and has connected a false narrative to its fulfillment.
View Statement #5 PDF - A Literal King of the South
How to know when a word is used figuratively: If it makes good sense as it stands, and does no violence to the simple laws of nature, then it must be understood literally; if not, figuratively (Miller’s Rule 11). The phrase king of the south in verse 40 can be understood literally. Because it can, it is a violation of Rule 11 to interpret this phrase figuratively.
View Statement #6 PDF - Spirit of Prophecy: A Path to Unity
The Spirit of Prophecy may provide our church the only path to unity on Daniel 11.
View Statement #7 PDF - Imperial Rome Not Identified by the Text itself as King of the North
There is unity of belief that the leader of Imperial Rome is identified in Daniel 11 as a raiser of taxes, and a vile person. There is no mention of the phrase, “king of the north” in connection with any of the prophecies in Daniel 11 that relate to Imperial Rome. For this reason we should not call Imperial Rome the king of the north.
View Statement #8 PDF - Spirit of Prophecy on Daniel 11:30-36
The power Ellen White speaks of in Daniel 11:30 is a civil power. This identified power carries through to verse 36 in order to help us identify the king of verse 36.
View Statement #9 PDF - Identifying the King of the North
The king of the north today (2019) is the president of Turkey – Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. If God allowed Daniel 11:45 to be fulfilled at this time, President Erdoğan would plant the tabernacles of his palace (Islamic Caliphate) in Jerusalem. This would initiate the beginning of Earth’s final events.
View Statement #10 PDF - “And at That Time” - What Time?
In Daniel 12:1, the two phrases, “and at that time”, connect sequential and concurrent events. The powers that are ruling the world when Michael stands up, closing human probation are Satan personating Christ, the papacy and apostate Protestantism. These three powers are the final powers ruling just before the close of probation and are implied in the last phrase of Daniel 11:45.
View Statement #11 PDF - Children of Thy People
The phrase, “children of thy people”, in Daniel 12:1 refers to the descendants, those kinsmen of Daniel’s who would be living at the end of time. We can be certain that the phrase “thy people” (Daniel 12:1) cannot be speaking of spiritual Israel because there is no such thing as there being spiritual children or offspring of spiritual Israel. We cannot obtain spiritual Israel status through kinship. “Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness” {Ezekiel 14:20}.
View Statement #12 PDF - New Light
New light on the prophecies of Daniel 11:40-45 will only build upon the light that God has already given to His church. It is okay to choose to believe that God gave to this church, shortly after its inception, a correct understanding of the major prophetic lines of prophecy to present to the world.
View Statement #13 PDF - Spirit of Prophecy Support for the Book, Daniel and the Revelation
Ellen White’s endorsement of Uriah Smith’s book, Daniel and the Revelation, will have a significant impact on uniting the church regarding the message we present to the world on each major line of prophecy.
View Statement #14 PDF - Matters of Minor Importance May Need Correction
Ellen White said, regarding our important books, that “. . . there may be found matters of minor importance that call for careful study and correction.” The Eastern Question in Bible Prophecy teaching in Daniel 11:40-45 would not qualify as a matter of minor importance, thus forbidding the editors from eliminating this interpretation from Daniel and the Revelation and thus from our public discourse.
View Statement #145 PDF - Phantomizing Daniel 11:40-45
If a word in the Bible can be understood in its plain, literal sense and we choose to give to it or even add to it a figurative or spiritualized meaning for its primary biblical interpretation, by so doing, we phantomize the word.
View Statement #16 PDF