Introduction to the Conference
The Daniel 11 Conference will be held at the Village SDA Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan, and its purpose is as follows: to provide a forum for the public hearing of the leading King of the South (KOS) interpretations of Daniel 11.40ff; to stimulate further study among church members on eschatological prophecy; and to raise awareness among church members of where we are in the broad flow of salvation history.
Approximately 500 persons will be in attendance for the event. Accommodation will be provided at the AFM Center in Berrien Springs for the presenters. Many of the BRI members will be in Berrien Springs for the annual BRI meetings at Andrews over the weekend, and we anticipate their active involvement.
The Steering Committee comprises individuals from a range of positions on the identity of the King of the South (KOS) in Daniel 11.40-45 to ensure a balanced approach for the conference. The members of the Steering Committee are as follows: Conrad Vine (Chair, ordained SDA pastor, serves as President of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc., neutral on interpretation), Ron Kelly (Secretary, ordained SDA pastor, Senior Pastor for Village SDA Church, neutral on interpretation), Frank Hardy (SDA scholar, Atheism), Ivor Myers (ordained SDA pastor, Conference Evangelist, Atheism), John Witcombe (ordained SDA Pastor, representing an updated version of Uriah Smith’s interpretation), Roy Gane (Andrews University Old Testament professor, Islam), and Michael Younker (doctoral candidate and adjunct professor, Andrews University Seminary, Islam).
The conference will begin at 9am on Friday 19th October with a season of prayer, seeking for God’s guidance and for the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. A number of presentations will then be made by selected presenters on various interpretive aspects of Daniel 11. The presenters, scholars, evangelists and participants from the basic interpretive clusters will then spend time identifying their interpretive principles that lead to their particular interpretations, before a plenary session will discuss the basic interpretive principles that each cluster have identified. The Friday session will be a day of discussion, listening to one another, and listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit. It will conclude at 6pm.
The first service on Sabbath 20th October 2018 will provide an overview of the structure of Daniel 10-12, and the Sabbath School will include an assessment of the impact of Hans LaRondelle on SDA hermeneutics regarding ethnic / spiritual Israel post-Calvary. The 2nd service will focus on the good news of the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of Glory, based on Daniel 12.1-3. The afternoon and evening will include presentations and rebuttals from various SDA scholars on the various KOS interpretations of Daniel 11.40-45. There will be Q&A for the audience, and a round table discussion will conclude the evening.
To prepare for this conference, please feel free to read the recommended articles / papers on this website. As we get closer to the conference itself, the actual papers from the presenters themselves will be uploaded for you to study. May God grant you the gift of understanding and wisdom as we gather and discuss, and may the Holy Spirit guide us into greater understanding and truth as the Body of Christ!
Approximately 500 persons will be in attendance for the event. Accommodation will be provided at the AFM Center in Berrien Springs for the presenters. Many of the BRI members will be in Berrien Springs for the annual BRI meetings at Andrews over the weekend, and we anticipate their active involvement.
The Steering Committee comprises individuals from a range of positions on the identity of the King of the South (KOS) in Daniel 11.40-45 to ensure a balanced approach for the conference. The members of the Steering Committee are as follows: Conrad Vine (Chair, ordained SDA pastor, serves as President of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc., neutral on interpretation), Ron Kelly (Secretary, ordained SDA pastor, Senior Pastor for Village SDA Church, neutral on interpretation), Frank Hardy (SDA scholar, Atheism), Ivor Myers (ordained SDA pastor, Conference Evangelist, Atheism), John Witcombe (ordained SDA Pastor, representing an updated version of Uriah Smith’s interpretation), Roy Gane (Andrews University Old Testament professor, Islam), and Michael Younker (doctoral candidate and adjunct professor, Andrews University Seminary, Islam).
The conference will begin at 9am on Friday 19th October with a season of prayer, seeking for God’s guidance and for the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. A number of presentations will then be made by selected presenters on various interpretive aspects of Daniel 11. The presenters, scholars, evangelists and participants from the basic interpretive clusters will then spend time identifying their interpretive principles that lead to their particular interpretations, before a plenary session will discuss the basic interpretive principles that each cluster have identified. The Friday session will be a day of discussion, listening to one another, and listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit. It will conclude at 6pm.
The first service on Sabbath 20th October 2018 will provide an overview of the structure of Daniel 10-12, and the Sabbath School will include an assessment of the impact of Hans LaRondelle on SDA hermeneutics regarding ethnic / spiritual Israel post-Calvary. The 2nd service will focus on the good news of the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of Glory, based on Daniel 12.1-3. The afternoon and evening will include presentations and rebuttals from various SDA scholars on the various KOS interpretations of Daniel 11.40-45. There will be Q&A for the audience, and a round table discussion will conclude the evening.
To prepare for this conference, please feel free to read the recommended articles / papers on this website. As we get closer to the conference itself, the actual papers from the presenters themselves will be uploaded for you to study. May God grant you the gift of understanding and wisdom as we gather and discuss, and may the Holy Spirit guide us into greater understanding and truth as the Body of Christ!
UNLOCK relevant “Time of the End” prophecies!
BUILD faith in the accuracy of the Bible.
STIMULATE hunger to know and share God!
HEIGHTEN interest in the nearness of Jesus coming.
BUILD faith in the accuracy of the Bible.
STIMULATE hunger to know and share God!
HEIGHTEN interest in the nearness of Jesus coming.